About This Project


4733 – 52nd Avenue SE, Calgary AB

Total Area of Construction: 46,284 sq ft +/-

Company Information

CGC Inc. is a leading marketer, manufacturer and distributor of gypsum wallboard products, interior finishing materials and suspended acoustical ceilings in Canada.

The purpose of construction was to provide expansion assistance to CGC Inc. by joining Building C (145,312 sq ft +/-) with Building B (46,284 sq ft +/-), the adjacent building. This was achieved by constructing a breezeway, which would allow CGC Inc. to move freely from building to building without having to go outside.


A brief overview of the work completed in the space:

  • Breezeway construction consisting of pre-cast panel wall cutting, structural steel installation, forming and pouring of concrete ramp , grade beams and installation of corrugated metal siding
  • Installation of 2 x rolling 20’ x 20’ fire shutter doors
  • Saw cut existing slab and pour 2 x cantilever slabs for railcar loading and unloading, enlarging of 2 x OH doors, structural steel, and rail shelter “Shroud” install
  • Warehouse ventilation system to accommodate specific use operations which would allow for the required ventilation of both propane and diesel forklifts: 4 x Makeup Air Units totaling 60,000 CFM including 8 x Exhaust Fans